Is it true that camellia flowers grow only as bushes (never as small trees) and only red camellias grow as small trees/and peonies all sorts can grow into small trees (7feet) and never in bushes In Japan and elsewhere (2024)


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16 mars

  • Français (France)
  • Anglais (USA)Courant
  • Japonais

Question à propos de Japonais


Is it true that camellia flowers grow only as bushes (never as small trees) and only red camellias grow as small trees/and peonies all sorts can grow into small trees (7feet) and never in bushes In Japan and elsewhere (2)

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Is it true that camellia flowers grow only as bushes (never as small trees) and only red camellias grow as small trees/and peonies all sorts can grow into small trees (7feet) and never in bushes In Japan and elsewhere (3)


16 mars

Show answer from the AI monga

En réalité, les camélias peuvent pousser sous différentes formes, que ce soit en buissons ou en petit* arbres. Les camélias peuvent être taillés pour pousser comme des arbres à petite échelle, mais ils sont plus communément cultivés comme des buissons. Les camélias rouges ne sont pas les seuls à pouvoir pousser comme des petit* arbres, d'autres variétés de camélias peuvent également être formées de cette manière. En ce qui concerne les pivoines, elles sont généralement cultivées comme des plantes herbacées vivaces qui poussent en buissons, mais certaines variétés de pivoines arbustives peuvent atteindre une hauteur de 7 pieds. Il est important de noter que la manière dont les plantes sont cultivées peut varier en fonction des préférences des jardiniers et des conditions de croissance spécifiques à chaque région.

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16 mars

  • Japonais

In actuality, camellias can vary greatly in form. While many camellias commonly grow as bushes or shrubs, certain species and varieties, such as Camellia japonica, can indeed grow into small tree forms, reaching heights of up to 25 feet or more. It's not exclusively red camellias that grow as small trees; camellias of various colors can grow into both bush and tree forms.Regarding peonies, there are two main types: herbaceous peonies, which die back to the ground each winter and typically do not grow into tree form, and tree peonies (Paeonia suffruticosa and related hybrids), which are woody shrubs and can reach up to 7 feet tall or more. Tree peonies don't grow as bushes in the same way herbaceous peonies do, as they maintain a woody structure year-round.Both camellias and peonies can be found in a variety of growth forms in Japan and around the world, depending on the specific species and cultivation practices.

In actuality, camellias can vary greatly in form. While many camellias commonly grow as bushes or shrubs, certain species and varieties, such as Camellia japonica, can indeed grow into small tree forms, reaching heights of up to 25 feet or more. It's not exclusively red camellias that grow as small trees; camellias of various colors can grow into both bush and tree forms.
Regarding peonies, there are two main types: herbaceous peonies, which die back to the ground each winter and typically do not grow into tree form, and tree peonies (Paeonia suffruticosa and related hybrids), which are woody shrubs and can reach up to 7 feet tall or more. Tree peonies don't grow as bushes in the same way herbaceous peonies do, as they maintain a woody structure year-round.

Both camellias and peonies can be found in a variety of growth forms in Japan and around the world, depending on the specific species and cultivation practices.


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Is it true that camellia flowers grow only as bushes (never as small trees) and only red camellias grow as small trees/and peonies all sorts can grow into small trees (7feet) and never in bushes In Japan and elsewhere (5)

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16 mars

  • Français (France)
  • Anglais (USA)Courant

Thanks !
I found out that it takes a decade for peonies to reach full height (8feet)
While camellias take more than a decade to reach full height (8 feet)


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Is it true that camellia flowers grow only as bushes (never as small trees) and only red camellias grow as small trees/and peonies all sorts can grow into small trees (7feet) and never in bushes In Japan and elsewhere (15)

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Is it true that camellia flowers grow only as bushes (never as small trees) and only red camellias grow as small trees/and peonies all sorts can grow into small trees (7feet) and never in bushes In Japan and elsewhere (2024)
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